Former Student returns to Bishop Dunne Catholic School as new President

Gabriel Moreno, a Bishop Dunne Catholic School alumnus from the Class of 2003, has taken over as the school president. Moreno, who has deep roots in the school, including his family's association with Bishop Dunne, returned to the campus for his third tenure, having previously served as a teacher and administrator.

He succeeds Mary Beth Marchiony, who added the president's role after serving as principal. Moreno, with a strong commitment to Catholic education, intends to chart a course for the school's future growth and acknowledges the diverse student body's potential to make a positive impact. He envisions Bishop Dunne as a shining star in the community and aims to contribute to the development of disciples of Christ. Moreno is optimistic about the school's growth, citing the rejuvenation of the Oak Cliff neighborhood.

Click here to read more about Gabriel Moreno’s new role. You can read Moreno’s welcome to the Bishop Dunne High School here.


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